We had a terrific turnout for our June cleanup. We will not meet in July or August.
Pickers on the hillTrevor meet PaulEven sweethearts come out to pick up trashGo Dan Go!Via Olivero cleanupFinished cleanupMichael and Dan Job well done!Gail and TerriA family helps with weedsBCNA neighborsGregg, Trevor, Shelly, MelissaBelinda and SophiaCleaning up the weedsDan and JohnDean, Shelly, Preeta and TrevorKimmie and DebSeptember 9, 2023 Preeta, Deb, Shelly, John, Lianna and Michael
Nick and Christine 10-7-23
October 7 2023 Pick up crew
Carol and Dina tackle the Buffalo -O’Bannon planter with weeds and trash 10-7-23
Volunteers with new trash cartsPierre and LiannaThank you Dan
November Trash Cleanup 11-4-23
Renae showing off sweatshirtDick and TerryHappy December everyoneOur December Cleanup ended with a hot chocolate party!!
Our December Cleanup ended with a Hot Chocolate party!! Thank you everyone for all your volunteer time during 2023 – you’re awesome neighbors…..