January 6, 2024 partially cloudy 54 degrees. Twelve volunteers picked up 14 full bags of trash along with a truck load of tumbleweeds and other debris. Thank you all….
February 3, 2024 in between rain storms we had an absolutely beautiful day to clean up neighborhood streets and planters.
Thank you to the neighbor volunteers participating today – we accomplished a lot! Planters were weeded, plants trimmed, trees were rocked into place, plants and cactus fertilized. Not as much trash as usual but a lot of palm tree debris, plastic sheets hanging in trees from the wind – general cleanup completed until next month!
March 2, 2024 will be a day remembered for a long time with wind gusts to 70mph in Las Vegas and up to 140mph in Lake Tahoe!! Look at these brave neighborhood volunteers ready and willing but not really a great day to pick up trash!!!
Thank you all for showing up with smiles! We have the best neighbors ever….
The winds calmed a bit for trash cleanup on April 6, 2024. Yesterday was super windy with a 23 degree drop in temperature. We had special guests from the Good Samaritan Lutheran Church at the Lakes volunteer today. Thank you to Pastor Jason, Jennifer and Elizabeth for helping out today, we appreciate the bags of trash picked up and neighborly effort.
Thank you to the BCNA group of volunteer neighbors, you’re awesome!
It’s a beautiful May 4th morning! We had two special guests with Pamela’s niece, Lauren, and Pastor Jason Adams joining the terrific turnout of neighbor volunteers. A special thanks to Dean and Shelly for picking up all the cardboard on Via Olivero that wouldn’t fit in our carts. Thank you also to; Neeta, Trevor, Donna, Shelly, Dina, Lianna, Pierre, John and Deb.
June 1, 2024 will be our last cleanup for the summer. We picked up eleven bags of trash along with several broken branches and tumbleweeds. Thank you to all the neighbor volunteers who participate in these cleanup events. You are what makes BCNA a wonderful place to live!
Saturday September 7, 2024 Whew!! We made it through the harsh summer with 5 days over 118 and a Sunday with 120 degrees! It was brutal. We are back to work picking up trash, tumbleweeds and other debris on Via Olivero and Valadez. It’s a little overcast, humid and 89 degrees at 8:00 am. We have another great turn out and get a lot accomplished!!
Thank you to all the neighborhood volunteers who were able to participate today.